Me i will put a red lip temporary tattoo on the ass of my sexy wife next week and will see how it goes :)
Does that mean that i should bring my string?(men) cause julie will wear hers for sure :)
Same for us! We are first timer and can't work or concentrate and always checking here and facebook february tempters page lol. Only 3 dodo for us
We hope so cause if it's rainning or to cold me and sexy hope to find people that want to do party in a room or something ;) . We will not stay in...
Cool we never did taste the famous whip cream everyone talking about:)
We are so ready and all outffit are too and ouffff we will be hot hot hot ;). Party very soon with all of creazy you;).
Oh ya we are trainning our liver and will be ready to party with you guyz and all our sexy outffit are ready too ouffff it will be hot ;).
There is for sure some chineese liver on ebay lol;)
Hi guyz anyone have a room # to suggest in the 2000 block near patyo's? It't our first time and we are there to make party all day,night,week long...
Ok that's good so we won't go change :) and do party all night long whoup whoup
We will arrive feb11 for our first time in at ttr and was planning and hopping lol to wear lingerie for that night. Does people wear lingerie at...
It's our honeymoon trip too, we got married last august ;). Wow it will be an awesome week.
Ya but it could be scarry too hihihi:)
Lol very funny cause we are there feb11-18th and it's is my b-day too the 14th ;). Make sure yo celebrate that together and others too :).
Wow it will be awsome :). Thanks Steve;)
Anyone got picture of the big boat?
Who knows ;)
Whoup whoup first boobs cruise for 2 here
Yes of course if i can kiss your's ;)
Is anyone know if we are booked since august we have a room for sure or not? Cause we don't want to be anywhere else than ttr and we did book in...