Booked for two on the 28th. Bill and Becky
NewKyCouple15 Bill and Becky
We look forward to meeting you two. We will be there August 24-29.
August 24-29
Looking forward to seeing you all too!
Booked for two.
We will have two for the cruise on Friday may 6. Can't wait!
We were there September 10 thru 17 and weather was perfect 70s and 80's this will be our 2nd trip in May I here it is pretty perfect then too!...
I agree everyone is so friendly it's the best place ever!
:aktion030: 47 more days and still shopping! Can't wait for all that sun and fun
Hey guys it's good to hear from you! This is our 2nd trip but I'm sure not the last one we love it there and all the great people can't wait....
Thanks we are looking forward to it and everything else!
Hated that we missed you all we are going back May 4-9 we were looking forward to seeing you all I'm sure you had a great time. Hope to see you...
Glad you all are doing good hate that we are going to miss you but I'm sure we both are going to have a great time!
Thanks for letting us know I'll be watching everyday day for posting!
Thank you we had tickets last year for it and lost our passports so we had to spend that day getting new ones, so we are really looking forward to...
Hey guys how you doing? Bill and me are getting ready to go back to TTR do you think you all will be going back anytime soon. We are going to be...
So does anyone know when the boob cruise is from May 4-9?
Has anybody heard anything about the boob cruise for May?
So excited about May I have 3 more months to shop and Bills not going to be happy when he gets the bill (lol) looking forward to the sexy pool and...