My wife and I crossed paths with you while we were coming back from dinner that night. I asked how things were going and you said "Not Good". I...
Shots: wet pussy or Scooby-Doo Mixed: Jim Beam and Fresca
You can do that or you can print it out on tee shirt transfer paper that goes into your home printer. Then just cut it out and iron onto your own...
My concern is copyright infringement. Eek!
If you're here at TTR right now come introduce yourselves! She's wearing a white hat with this logo on it and has color matching titanium nipple...
Just an update. Got here with cash in our carry-on and on our person without any issues.
Ready to Rock n' Roll... Waiting at the gate! See y'all soon!!! ~ C&I Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ahh, I assumed it was the same flight. Whoops. -I
That makes 3 couples on the same US Air connection from NC...
Similar to fireball if you like that stuff but more refined.
Thanks everyone! This sets my mind at ease.
I'm planning on taking out a big stack of ones to tip the good people at the resort... but I'm wondering about setting off any red flags in...
Yup! Our flight takes off at 6:50 eastern. We land in MX at 11:17am. Wooo! :aktion033:
Thank you for posting that... Hubby can't make me feel bad for over packing now [emoji12]! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Less than 48 hours!
First one (special colors for my wife) printed and transferred. The wrinkles should go away after the first wash. [IMG]
I'm glad I'm not the only "slut wife" in the bunch [emoji5]️! ~C Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We can bring you one! Just let us know the size. We'll be there from July 21-26th. Or, I can bring the t-shirt transfer print that you can...