Dates: March 8-16 Number in Group: 2 BC: No
Dates: March 12-16 Number in Group: 2 Boobs Cruise: No Been there alot over the years. Last Minute Trip!
You’ll have a blast. We will be there 1-6 so sounds like a Bday Party at the Pool!
Should be a great time. Can’t Wait for next week to hear how the reopening is going.
Date: July 1-6 #:2 BC: No
Headed that way tomorrow morning!
We will be there the 24-28th.
Never been on one, but sounds interesting. Unfortunately we don’t get there till the 24th. Anyone hear of one from the 24-2?
Brenda & Kirby Dates: Nov 24-28 Number in Group: 2 Boobs Cruise: No
Dates: Nov 20-25 Group: 2 Boobs Cruise: No
Will be at TTR; May18-21
18-21 for us. 5th trip I think, Loosing track.
We will be there May 18-21
Great Time, wish it could’ve been longer. Enjoyed meeting everyone.
Dates: Nov 19-23 Number in Group: 2 Boobs Cruise: No
Breathless DR We went to Breathless DR in August. The resort is nice, but it was not even close to the TTR experience. There wasn't any...
We get there on Friday!
Looking Forward to it!
July 3-7