Add us to the list!!...can't wait to meet everyone!!
Count us in!!! Just reserved our spot!!!
We will be there 24-31!!! Can't wait to get in the sexy pool !!! If you see us there feel free to say hi!! :)
We are going the 24-31 for our 2nd time ... Would love to see something fun like Mardi Gras theme for the 24th ;)
Can't wait to get back!! we will be there the 24-31!!! don't be strangers ..feel free to say hi :)
Valdosta... Can't wait to be back.. Haha 1st drink is on us!!
So excited to go back for our 2nd trip!! See yall there the 24-31!!! 1st drink is on us!!.... Haha
just booked the 24-31!!!! cant wait to go back!!
We are here and loving it!!...come say hi!!!
We will be booking the August 22nd one too!!! So excited!!
We will be there Aug 19-26...Our first trip too!!!
We are excited to meet everyone!! Looks like that pool is going to be super sexy with everyone going... Hahaha
Who......what.....same difference as long as it fun...hahaha
First Timers!!! Aug 19-26...Cant wait to see what we can get into!!
Our first time to TTR Aug 19-26 can't wait!!
Anyone who would like to get to know us a little better before we meet ... Feel free to send us a private message. ;)
I'm so excited about theme night!!.. Haha
Its our first time too! We will be there Aug 19-26, we are excited and ready to have some fun!!
Our first time to TTR Aug 19-26. We hope to meet some people before we get there!!