Glenn and Jenn Dates: Oct9-16 Group: 2 (meeting up with Missy and Steve) Boobs Cruise: Maybe
Finally going on our Second Trip to Temptations. Oct 9 - 16, 2018. This will be our Semi Empty nest trip. No more kids in K-12.
Thank you guys for helping make our first trip a Blast. hopefully we can do that again and yes can't wait to see the pics
so it's been 2 weeks since we have been back home from our first trip. I want to thank ineedajuice, CandG126, and Rudy and Debbie for helping...
first time too! we will be there the 27th to the 3rd.
Were Jennifer and Glenn. thank you we hope to have alot of fun. Just saw we won't get to enjoy a boobs cruise though. we get there on the 27th...
well be getting there at the same time. looks like we wont be able to get on a boobs cruise while there. the next one isn't till the 4th and we...
Aug 27 to Sept 3