Thanks all for the great info! Being first-timers to Desire RM (we leave in a few days!!), we're not members, so the above was very helpful to...
9 -18 Nov. Ben and Jaime. This will be our first trip to Desire . We are very excited!
Hey guys, looks like we will be at TTR and DRM together. Never been to DRM.
Hey there, it's our first time there in May. We can do some recon for you while we are there, ha. We have been to tempations resort a few times...
Hey all! Headed to TTR from 23-26 May! 4th time there, but been years, so looking forward to seeing all the changes!
Headed to TTR 23-26 May! Looking forward to seeing everyone!
We will be at Desire from 26-30 May. This will be our first trip. Will be at Temptation's the 3 nights prior. Excited and a bit nervous about...
Hey all, We've been to TTR 3 times and had a blast each time. We loved the party atmosphere, but did find it a bit clique-ish at times. We're...
Tomorrow night...Yep, finally going to be there. SHOTS!!!!
I don't know if the foam party is always like this, but we had one this past June that was a blast. Basic premise (at least for this last one)...
Deep question for all the November team: If you are wearing only bottoms...isn't that a one piece?
Just make sure your significant other is between you and security. Then you can be naked, and they can't see :)
We were totally nervous for our first boobs cruise. We did it on our first trip. It was SSSOOOOO highly rated that we decided to just take a...
We were there in June and the foam party was ridiculous - in a good way. I had to get up on the hubby's shoulders and even though he's 6'1", I...
One more week!!! Trying to tan so that my chi-chi's won't blind anyone!:icon_cool: Starting to pack, but there's so much room in my suitcase, I...
Well if we all end up needing to cool down after dancing, we'll just have to see what we can come up with....decisions, decisions.:lotsofmichaelfs:
You are going to love the cruise. We look forward to this every trip.
Besides the quiet pool, any other great "secret" spots that get sexier than the sexy pool?
This will be our first November trip, so we're looking forward to meeting the "crewe." What do we have to do to join?.... :)
Only 8 more days...Going in the last week of the month makes for a lot of anticipation watching everyone on the roll call head out first. Can't...