i would have to say seeing that boat was pretty amazing,almost like something out of a james bond movie....second place would have to be jackie...
So far we have been real safe here,although i can understand how it can happen especially with the large amounts of alchol people are consuming....
Thanks alot steve for letting us get on this one!! passing out the morning of this cruise will not be an option!!
People are super nice here.We havent had any really aggressive people bother us and to be honest even the single uk guys are very cool. I think...
I love snow and ice and am actually hating having to go on this plane.Mexico is going to be hot and sweaty.That sand gets all over my stuff.All...
newbie question-are we allowed to feed the sharks?
i stuck one in there for the hell of it
but you can only wear this attire at the sexy pool??
is it booked up? would be our first day so may be a scramble to get on
sophie and mike march 3rd to march 12 2015