[ATTACH] Is it just me or do any of you have a larger bag for dress up/theme nights. When I look at this stack of stuff I think I have too much...
Hi there! My BF and I were wondering about the white bracelets with the red lips...Where can we find them? The first time we were at TTR we saw...
We just booked for Nov 13! Bringing along a couple of friends too! Super excited, our last time at Temptations the Criuse dates didn't match up...
Nov 10-16 4 (bringing 2 newbies w us) Would love to do boobs cruise! Last time we missed it by a day!
We will be there Nov 10-16! Can't wait to party it up! I got my pasties ready!!! We bringing a first time couple with us! They have no idea...
Hey All from March 19-24!! We had such a great time! We met so many new cool people!! So many new great memories have been made! Thanks so much...
Help!! LoL! I'm having a hard time with a couple of the theme nights for my man. I need some ideas! Neon one night and gold for the other....
10 Day countdown begins!! Whoop Whoop! Ready for some fun! And more sun...It's been unusually warm here in NorCal! Can't wait to meet some fun...
We are going to be there basically the same time frame. I too was nervous about what to wear/bring. We just had some friends come back from TTR...
LoL! Red Rock Fireballers aka Nat and Cory will be at TTR 19-24. Nat is a bit of an undercover blonde. Also We have a avatar pic but don't...
We will be there March 19-24! Looking forward to some fun and sun!!
We will also be there the 3rd weekend in March!! Excited to go for our first time!! Wishing for a last minute add on Boobs Cruise for sometime...
This will be our first time at Temptations! Super excited to have a ton of fun and meet new people! We will be there March 19-22!
We would like to go on a cruise but looks like we will be missing the dates. We will be arriving 3-19 and departing 3-22. Boo!!
March 19-22 for us! Excited to get away. Wanted to do a boobs cruise but looks like we are gonna miss it by a few days. :-(