Jan 9-17 2018 2...maybe more will add on Boobs cruise is reserved for Jan 12th
Going feb 16-24 2017...missing TTR too and will miss you Belinda and Gary
My trip is booked for breathless February 16-24 Thank you Mexico for the awesome review. Who else is coming? 2 single ladies on the prowl L
Awesome..i'll see you at the sexy pool :)
I'm gonna be there January 4-12 and I want to go on the cruise...where do I see the dates and how do I make my reservation and deposit? Thank...
I'm confirming my dates...Jan 4-12 and coming with my daughter...and maybe some more single ladies ;) Linda
Hi there, It will be my 4 th time...and I always been in January so far :) It looks like jan 4-12 woohoo!! and bringing my daughter this time and...
Thinking of going back in January...not dates set yet but will be bringing some newby singles along...:aktion033: Will post my dates soon :)...
well i was debating going back for my birthday but need to work a little before lol
I heard back from my friend and she told me the were no foam party :( that was jan 14
I was there jan 5-14 and I think it was on the wednesday but I missed it coz I was on the booze cruise...
Hello all, I'm a newbie single and just got back 2 days ago...some might remember me ( the lady with the cruches ;) no i wasn't drunk...just...
Thank you guys :)