It looks like we are doing another boobs cruise together! Been awhile
Booked November 6th boobs cruise and 4th BC
Hello there!!!! We live in Odessa mo. about 35 mins from you....
Date-Nov 4- Nov 11 Greg & SueOur 4th time Number in group:4 Boobs cruise YES!!!!!
You did meet us and our friends we were a little under! Had a great time. Greg and I were the ones that dressed up in the Adam and...
It's almost time for the shit show folks...
Wow you are early!!! We leave at 7 am, so see ya at sexy pool!
6 more sleeps for us, getting excited!!!
I was thinking the same thing....
This is our 3rd trip to TTR but first in April Soooo excited to hang with the crazy April Addicts!!!!
This will be our third cruise and crazy it will be!!! Glad you joined us cheers to a great cruise!!!
Hey guys we are from KC as well! We arrive 4-16/4-23 see ya at sexy pool.
15 days 14 hours tick tock.....
Save us a seat at sexy pool, we arrive 4-16 around 10:30!
Hey guys save us a seat at sexy pool. We arrive 4/16 around 11 am
I thought we had 40 the other day and now 36??? Hummmm
Did you ever fully recover from boobs cruise...lmao!
18 days left for us!!!! Hope we get more people on boobs cruise for April 17th Sunday...start booking people!!!!!!
Oh and thanks for the friend request!
Looks like we are practically! We live 35 miles east of KC AND WILL BE HEADING TO TTR FOR TYE 3rd time 4-16/4-23. Hope to meet you...