We'll be there tomorrow afternoon, can't wait.
We'll be there 11-17th, not LS either but would love to help you celebrate your Birthday.
Jan 11-17th for our second visit and boob cruise on the 15th
Booked 11-17th, boob cruise on the 15th
Just signed up for January 15th. Second BC and trip to TTR for us.
I think I have a cavity!
Had to jump in on this one... my wife had her's done 2 years ago and yes she works on a dentist's office too. She 4'-11' and weighs about 88...
We have a big event locally every year that weekend, but... we had so much fun on the last Chesapeake Cruise we may have to skip this year....
Great meeting you two last Saturday... at least from what we can remember. Michele and I had a great time and can't wait to go again. I hope we...
Great to meet you two yesterday. Hope we can do it again soon.
Only 1,513 friends? Great to meet you two. Can't wait to do it agin.
Sounds like a blast, sent capt. Don and email.
Joe and Barb, great to meet you at TTR. Michele and I really enjoyed getting to know you. Hope you had a safe trip home. We are back home now too.
Thanks for the friend request. We enjoyed spending time with you guys at TTR. Shots anyone?
First timers here, Feb 23rd - March 2nd. My wife has outfits for each night (in some cases a few to choose from). I have a number if things to...
9 days, 12 hours until we leave winter behind for a week. Can't get there fast enough. If all goes well we should be pool side by 3:00 on the 23rd.
16 days, 9 hours, 46 minutes until our first trip to TTR. Not that we're counting down or anything.
Thanks for the friends request. Are you going in late February?
We're 45 minutes due north on 83.
Thanks for the friend request. We'll be there Feb 23-March 2.