I get on my flight around midnight Friday I look forward to meeting your crew sometime Saturday when I arrive, I will be looking for you all.
Packed and repacked, weighed my bag, Fly out Friday at Midnight Glad i have Thanksgiving as a distraction between now and then. Looking forward to...
I did not want to give the impression i was worried about the rain, I follow the advice of Tom Robbins, "Only worry about the weather if it is...
So from the weather reports it appears for the next couple weeks there will be lots of rain at TTR. If we all remember school days when we had...
In 5 days I will be boarding the Plane in San Francisco, hopefully with a Turkey sandwich from leftovers on Thanksgiving headed to TTR. Bags are...
6 Days commence packing
One week from tonight I will be on my way, lets see, black outfit with red, boxers for lingerie night, white pants and shirt for white night,...
I find an attractive pair of boobs as an enhancement of the complete package great. It has never really mattered big or small to me, as its about...
What do the Men wear?
YEA!! Passport arrived yesterday, 10 more sleeps until TTR Vacation, looking forward to meeting all you fun people
18 more days, packing has begun as each wash load is completed items are separated out. Now if only my Passport would arrive I could relax.
Just received my CCC wrist bands in the mail. 23 more nights till departure, funny how receiving the wrist bands made this much more real, finally...
Booked my first Boob Cruise Dec 2nd
Finally inside the 30 day count, 29 more days!
I am also a first timer going Nov 29 to Dec 6 excited and nervous but this forum has made me look forward to discovering TTR
I use the same disguise, hope we don't clash as i will be there the same time. First Trip
Check out the Chaos Post they have the theme nights listed there for early Dec. making my first trip Nov 29 to Dec 6
I am headed there for the first time on Nov 29 - Dec 6, I was looking for an adult only resort where I could relax and party with like minded...