It was virtually impossible, not to have fun! Still reminiscing about everything, wish I could have spent more time...Hence the "trap", already...
After a long year (divorce), co-workers just arrived home from Temptation and could not stop raving about the atmosphere! My usual January...
1 day to go....should be interesting! :)
Thanks for the request!! Getting tired of waiting, but I am trying. First time for me as well, we will make it fun I am sure..See you soon! lol
I consider it my first time to TTR, "rookie initiation" gift! :)
Managed to find two cans...of AIWC!! :)
Bang on!! I just wanted to be called "black"...please!! :)
Almost time to, let the door hit me, where the good Lord split me...and "chilax"!
Count me in! :)
See you there, two days behind! Arriving Jan 17-24, if you see me say "hi"!
Two days behind you, say "hi" if you see me! Jan 17-24
I found it, very nice choice!! Welcome to the Chestnut Inn B&B Built in the late 1800s, this beautiful colonial home sits on one acre of land...
Merry Christmas!! See you very soon.
Speaks volumes when people decide to, "live for more than one's self"! Congratulations!!
Since moving here, "Grape & Wine" Festival has increased my knowledge..actually desire for red wine ten fold!! :)
Just got paid..time to "chilax"!
Miss T.O, but Niagara is very nice!! Going to head over to River Rd. and see if that B&B is still there.
Torontonian (Living in Niagara) Jan 17-24!
I bought from (Canadian) or (U.S.A)!