2 More nights...! We only have 2 more nights and we'll be flying out from dreary Pittsburgh...! I haven't even pulled out the luggage yet but we...
Now THAT sounds like a PARTY... :69::69::69::69:
Yes, we were lucky enough to get 2 for the Oct 5th Boobs Cruise. I knew to watch for it on Sept 5th around 1:00, but was busy till 3 or so,...
Hi guys & thanks for the friend request... This is our first trip down but from the looks & sounds of it, and with this forum, it certainly won't...
Absolutely cannot wait... Our plane lands in Cancun at 1:02 and I'll have my first Corona in hand by 1:30. :D
Hey... saw your post about the Boobs Cruise and thought we'd say Hi... We only bought 2 tix for the cruise so we can't help you get on the boat...
We are SO looking forward to it...!
I was in the company gym working out and almost missed out... :D
Make that 52... Denny and Kim are confirmed & paid...! That would have been a disaster if we missed out on our FIRST BOOBS CRUISE...! I didn't...
Open the Oct 5th already...! :) I know, I'm an impatient F&*KER but it's Sept 5th and I want to book our VERY FIRST Oct 5th Boobs Cruise...
Hey guys... we're TTR virgins too. We land on Oct 4th so maybe we'll get to have a drink w you. :)
Weekly Schedule... Can anyone direct me to the weekly schedule? I have the OctoberBreast nightly schedule but I'm looking for the resort...
Newby Cruisers... :D Oct 5th- Denny & Kim
Thank you... I think that did it... :lotsofmichaelfs:
Profile pic...? Is our profile pic showing up in our posts? For us it looks like a big question mark and I don't know how to change it......
We'll be arriving on the 4th as well... Can't wait to get there...!