Australian politics are a joke and always have been since John Howard left office. so many freedoms and fun has been taken away from Australians...
where are you guys from?
lmfao!!! im aussie too (in texas) and i know exactly what we would say.... poor kid he probably should not go now id say.
ok excuse my ignorance but what is a ttr contract?
In all honesty you really should post a pic on the problem you are having!!! ;-)
YOU MUST DO THE BOOBS CRUISE!!! do not worry about ANYTHING. lisa is very shy, suffers sea legs, doesnt drink much and had a BALL of a time!!!
sorry i cant remember.
lisa and i both went for the first time last year and i have to say steve is the greatest easy going host you will ever meet. lisa my wife isnt...
sorry steve
dont worry the poms are still upset that they lost to australia in cricket. they have to take it out on someone....
dam young democrats!!!
are they like the " im here to fuck shit up" t shirts? is so i want one too!!
bus is the go, we cant remember how we got home!!!! what a great trip!!!
cant wait till our next cruise!!! lisa got COMPLETELY naked for the swim part, was fun watching her climb the stairs at the end of the nude swim,...
i think it worked!!
and the boat!!
lisa and i cant wait to get on it!!!
Thanks man. your right the pic was too big.
how do i get our profile pic on? DAM COMPUTERS!!!!
still GREAT value!! cant wait to go again!!