Nov 12 - 21 2 of us Boobs Cruise - maybe
Janice and I will be there Nov 12th - 21st. Come say hi!
Nov 7th - 17th. 7th trip for us! No Boobs Cruise booked, yet.
Dates: Nov 7 -17 @ in Group - Don & Janice Boobs Cruise Maybe 6th Trip
Us too. We’ll see you there!
6 more sleeps, then 9 days of “play”. C’mon November 12th!
Finally, single digits. 9 sleeps and a wake up! Nov 12 - 21.
11 sleeps and a wakeup! Yes!
14 days for us! So anxious to see old friends and make new ones. Let's party!
19 days for us. Nov 12th. See you then!
5th trip for us, Nov 12 - 21. We’ll see you there!
Yeah. Hahaha! We know many of the BallsDeep crew, a newer group, but since we originally joined the Sexysinaholics over ago, started by Justine...
CCC is short-hand for CancunCare. As in, CanCunCare. At least that's what we always thought it stood for. Hahaha! As far as alternate themes,...
Any and all of those ideas sound good.
85 sleeps for us!
Don & Janice Nov 12 - 21 5th Trip No. in group - 2 Boobs Cruise - No
Sounds like fun! Janice and I will see you guys there!
We'll see you there! Only 99 more sleeps!
We'll be there the 12th - 21st. See you there!
We don't have kik. We're on cancun swingers lifestyle forum, Skype and we're also on MeWe.