Hey where's my honorable mention? - mel. Love u guys!
so we have not been interacting a ton on this page. Mel and I are trying to take is all in. in 36 hours we will be on our flight to Cancun. CANT...
Boobs cruise!!!! Looks like i won't be needing help w taking my top off afterall!!! See you all on the water!!!
Adorable! Not everything is kinky! It's nice to see a proud father!
As far the toy exchange goes, we bought ours just want to make sure we let the right people know
In response to our personalities...I think Mike is kinda shy in my mind. I gotta get him out of his shell at times. I can be shy so I may need...
October 5 two
So it has been two days since we have scanned the form and wow!!! So let's start this post with. Yes we are in for the toy exchange. I do not...
Anybody have any ideas where you can get sexy outfits online. Looking for a hot LBD. Nothing concealing. Want to show some skin. Haven't been...
Count us in for the welcoming party. Mike is 6"0 Firefighter "yummy" and I'm 5"8 red/brown hair. Ready to pop our temptation cherry!! Mel
That would be awesome. Sounds like some good plans coming down the road. If you want my address I can gwt it to you through email or facebook.
Ready to get our world rocked Oct 1-8
We joined a gym this week. Hope we have enough time get the pool bods ready!!!! Can't wait to meet this awesome group!!!! ! !!!
Does any odd get the orange bracelets for this group or is it a you know when you see us kind? ;)
Hey guys. Getting excited over here. We have questions galore, but will let them come slowly.first is the any place for energy drinks down the or...
Her 29th, him 32 Him. Something cool. Her something cooler We will see when we get there ;) FIRST TIMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Same here we are very excited to meet the group. We arrive on the 1.
Good morning
That should get me comfortable. :-)