Going to miss not hanging with my Sexy Friends this year [emoji53].... Party hard all you Sexy Sinaholics!!! [emoji482] Sent from my iPhone...
I miss not having a countdown to F.U.N. this year....
It was certainly a great time...short but a blast!! The Boob Cruise was definitely the highlight even though the weather wasn't. Great meeting you...
Dreaming is right...had a blast. Just only wish it was a couples only resort. But, can't have everything in paradise!! lol. What is the cost of a...
Great time had by all!! Now back home in the cold and the snow and reality!! :(. So glad to get to meet you both and really hope to see ya again....
All that anticipation and build-up ....and boom...its over. Had a blast and need to start planning another trip!! You guys rock!! Landed to a...
.....We gon' boogie oogie oggi, jiggle, wiggle and dance Like the roof on fire We gon' drink drink and take shots until we fall out Like the roof...
One!!!!! One week!!! 5 work days!!!!! We are ready! Are you? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Grab a JW & coke...and smile!!! As we have no worries for the next four days!! <drink,eat, laugh and repeat> Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Took the leap and booked [emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ok.... First trip to TTR is just 14 days away. Just not sure if We want to sacrifice a day for this. Sounds like a blast....But our stay is short....
Somebody slap me!!! We've hit the teens..... Only 19 days!!!! The list is in order and onto packing!! Whoop whoop!! [emoji482][emoji484] Sent...
Johnny Walker & Coke.... That's my mainstay. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Excellence Punta Cana. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
4 weeks from today we will be waking and recovering from our first night at TTR!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is the theme schedule we are using.... :lotsofmichaelfs:
We gon' boogie oogie oogie, jiggle, wiggle and dance Like the roof on fire We gon' drink drinks and take shots until we fall out Like the roof on...
Only more 35 days until we are on TTR Time!!! Almost down to less than a month!! ...... "We gon' boogie oogie oogie, jiggle, wiggle and dance...
Do you believe most guys think with their dick? > (Yeah.) Well, in that case, will you blow my mind?
Therapy for us begins in 7 weeks!!