Friday can't get here soon enough. We've been doing too much adulting these past few months. Need a break!
Happy 4th Everyone!!! In spirit of the 4th here is our top 4 list We all know we go to TTR because of the staff and of course the people but...
2 Weeks Having a love/jealousy relationship with all these posts of people either on their way or in single digits! Just two more weeks!
Woooo Hooooo To Do List: 1.Close out the school year, send students home and begin summer vacation! 2. Book this cruise! What a great day!
Super hero Theme Night Wifey talked me into buying a black wrestling singlet to go with the Batman cape...After a boobs cruise I'm sure we're...
I'm on a boat!!!!!!!!!! Beyond pumped to be on our 3rd Boobs Cruise! We fly out the 20th so going out with a bang! I have a feeling we're going...
Sooooo Soon!!!!!!! We had to request a later closing date on the house we're buying so we wouldn't have to cancel our trip! Wouldn't miss out on...
2 for the 17th!!!
We're Back!!! Trip #6! Can't wait to meet up with past friends and make plenty of sexy new ones! Be sure to say hi! :) July 15-20!...
We're booked!! New boat sounds like an amazing idea!
Last Minute Trip BOOKED! Oct 20-25! Our 5th trip to TTR and we will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary! We're also in for our 2nd Boobs...
3 More Freaking Days!!!!! Liver likely to lose 8% of it's lifetime function!!!
We're in!!!
Passport just arrived! Phew!!! June 17th can't come fast enough!!!
Just saw my passport was expired... Phew that was way too close!
We're there the 17-21st! Extend your trip!!!!