We cant’t wait.
June 30 - July 7. Daniel and Virginia. Boobs Cruise yes on July 1st.
June 6-11 Number in group: 2 Boobs Cruise: yes! 6th trip, first time in June. Can't wait!
Booked for the 8th!
December 27-January 1 Number of people: 2 Def interested in boobs cruise!
July 16-24 for us! Can't wait! Trip #4. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My husband I will be there July 16-24 for our 4th trip! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
One week from now we will be getting OFF the boobs cruise. Not trying to wish time away, but it's getting closer and closer. Yay! Sent from my...
My husband and I will be there the 4th-11th. Boobs cruise on the 5th. Looking for some people to go to Coco Bongos with us. It's out third trip...
If you expect it to be lame, it will be. Stop stressing and relax. It will be tons of fun. I promise. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Regardless of where our seats are at on the plane (since they seat you by sections) we never get on the plane till the last possible minute. It's...
July 5th for us. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
July 4-11 Third trip for us July 4-11! We usually go later in July but schedules changed this year.
My husband and I will be there July 4th through the 11th Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
July 17-22 July 17-22