If you are on facebook I am Krista Lemieux Alexander. We have kept in contact with many people easier on there.
Good Morning! Oh we miss you. Obviously we never go on the site. We know several people going back this year but sadly not us. Chad's dad was...
It was great coming back to patio's with a sh$t eating grin on and fresh glow on my wife's face.
Krista here, Here's some of the many I heard that work Nice Shoes I am giving these beads away but you have to earn them. Where are you from?...
Apparently we are the only ones from Sylvan Lake. We would drive into Edmonton if something gets planned. Winter might be better for a get...
On out first night Ed and Alli told us that "Nice Shoes" really meant "Nice Tits" at TTR. Needless to say, I told my wife her shoes looked...
As a first time couple going to Temptation at the start of May we sometimes struggled with what topics of conversation were acceptable and which...
We have been home for almost three weeks and still sick. Doctor said it was a virus. Almost makes one wonder if a vacation of 7 nights is worth...
Do the Boobs Cruise and start training your Liver now so you don't fall victim of the first day curse (or in my wife's case the second day curse)
I will never forget Sal saying "we New Yorkers say Eh get the f@ck out of here; and you Canadians say, Get the f@ck out of here Eh". LMAO.
Hi Sal & Lisa. We had a great time meeting you. Sorry we missed saying good bye. Sal, don't spend too much time in the corner if you can help it....
Chad caught something, the last couple days were very low key for us. He tried to ignore it there but the trip home was miserable. I have never,...
I was wondering when we would appear..... Yes lots of fun.
We had supper there on Saturday May 10 and saw it for several people and we had it as well. Very cool to see!
At airport ready to leave. So excited to leave the 4 inches of snow that fell last night. Have been tempering the liver for two weeks now.
We land at 3pm. Should be checked into room by 6pm I would think.
Just have to drink doubles then...
Curious if Captain Morgan's Spiced rum is available? What are the chances of having Captain's Black available?
Can we take you up on the offer. New to the resort and land late afternoon Sunday May 4th. Would be great to get a chance to talk with a pro for...
Our first trip there and we get to meet the MAYOR!! Eloquently put by the way.