Def gotta have the yeti! We bought two RTIC's ... Don't wanna lose the yetis . See u 9th-15th June!
9th -15th for us! 4th time ---we love TTR
Arriving late nite (11pm) on June 9... 4th time at ttr! Somebody have a shot ready for me at the bar!
Sounds like a blast...!!! maybe you should post a link in the June junkies or June roll call?
9th-15th.... Can't wait!
Our 4th time. Meg is gonna love it! ... Actually I'm originally from Kc, so Chiefs and royals for me!
Will do... Where u guys from?
cu there 6/9-6/15!
Hi Tim and Kim...will keep an eye out for you. Looking forward to making new friends! june 9-15th