Speedo style also for wear outside of ttr [IMG]
We won't be able to make it on those days. It's right in the middle of my three weeks at work. Hope ya'll have fun with your friends.
Too much fabric for me? I had the suits of that exact cut, just different colors. They wye the smallest ones I brought, but got worn the most :)
On my first trip to TTR I made the choice to buy and bring some little suits. Most of them were speedo size. I was quite nervous about this,...
It was great fun meeting y'all as well. Glad we met early in our trip so we had some friends to hang out with. Sorry for my inebriation your...
Tequila shots at the airport.
48 hours till wheels down.
Hahaha. Well I land in 8 days, so kinda worried about flights.
Anybody else concerned about the possible hurricane developing?...
Here is a picture from the manufacturer website of one of the Marcuse swim suits I got for my first trip to TTR...
Has anybody else seen or tried the Australian brand named Marcuse? The fabric seems to be top quality.
Corbin&Anna, so glad to hear that you mentioned that it can be a relaxing time. I'm sure my girl will be very glad to hear that. She is looking...
I think we will overlap. Our first time at any place like this. Thanks for the offer of help, tweb
Aug 27-Sept.3rd
Thanks for accepting the friend request. I'm sure we have some questions that y'all may be able help us with in the future
Looks like we picked the exact same dates. I'd imagine y'all have some extra travel days, coming from the UK. Newbies here too