We are trying to decide! It would be our last day at the resort so we're going back and forth. The BC is the best ever, but we want our last night...
You are an angel!
We have nearly the same travel days! Look forward to meeting you guys! We are there from the 18-22.
We are going the 18-22nd, June is the best time!
I would bring and take the meds, I was the one that was sick on our last boobs cruise and let me tell you the boobs cruise stone cold sober is a...
You guys too!!
Jacob & Megan Dates: June 18-21 Number in group: 2 of us, with the Eden crew Interested in Boobs Cruise: maybe 4th trip, excited to see old and...
What is the crowd like for American Thanksgiving? This would be our third trip, but we've gone in June the last 2 trips. Thank you!
We are also part of the huge OKC group (but are from Idaho), we met those crazies last year and couldn't resist coming with them again! Can't...
Hey guys, can't wait to meet you!! We are soooo counting down the days :)
Our 2nd trip is from 23-28, can't wait!!
I loved reading the reviews before we left so I figured I would pay it forward :aktion033: I will spare everyone the details of our travel, it...
Potato Couple checking in here! :) Set to land in Cancun at 3:00pm ready to hop of the plane and straight to the party. We will have our...
Thank you everyone for your replies!! It sounds like there's pros and cons to the rooms, but who cares too much about the room anyway? 5 more...
I had this issue and even had to send a few back. Look at the size chart for each item. I was a medium in some and a large in others and I'm about...
ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!!!!!!!!!!:lotsofmichaelfs: I have seen a few threads regarding rooms and people immediately wanting a new one. We are...
The wait is unbearable, all of our outfits/bubba mugs/orange bracelets came in and they are just calling our name to be in use!
We are so jealous of everyone's posts, we still have 12 sleeps! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You guys sounds like our kind of group!!!! :) can't wait! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Woop woop!! Looks like we are a go!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk