Yes it was a great time. I will send you our email once I figure out how to send a private message.
Headed to the airport see you all soon!
See you poolside thursday!
3 working days to go!!
Look for us poolside!
Packing the bags this weekend!!
June 26 - 30, see you than. Gerri and Sabrina
We are packed and ready!!
June 26-30, see you than.
Very cool, see you their June 26-30th.
This will be our first time. It should be a lot of fun. Seems there will be a pretty cool crowd there.
See you guys down there. Is this your first time?
Snow and ice all over again. June will not get here soon enough!
We will be there June 26-30. See you than.
Our first trip 6/26 to 6/30. Look forward to seeing you down there.
Thanks for the welcome. We'll see you at the theme nights for sure!