Anyone flying Southwest out of Baltimore morning of Sat the 9th?
1 week to go! :partyhorn:
9th we will be there!! Plane lands at noon hope to be pool side shortly after
Every 10 days....when you guys going too TTR?
Wife and I will be there for 3 days before rest of our group arrives, so we will need some drinking mates to fill in!!
See you are from STL...we are actually moving there in the next 2-3 months from PA. commuting now
Hi guys, We will be there the 9th to 15th......
Looks like we will be there the same time as you guys this year
York, Pa. For about 6 more months or so.....
May 9th to 15th.......2nd trip. Jamie and Teri
We will be there! 8 of us coming down. Look us up
We will be there 14-18.