looking forward to connecting with old friends and making new ones...the bar at the sexy pool, Sat afternoon...drinks on me! :)
Can't wait...always so much fun...who is ready to get f*ucked up ;)
Dates: Nov 13-17 Number in Group: 4 Interested in Boobs Cruise? Been many times...just not this time :)
Nov 29-Dec 3 the 2 of us (for now) :) BC - maybe
March 8-12 4 ppl BC - not this time, but def worth it :)
Oct 19-23...who wants to party?
2-6 for us...cant wait!!
same dates...cant wait!
march 2-6 the 2 of us many times no bC this time...those going will have a blast xoxo
New Dates...had to change plans. Nov 17-21 xoxo
Nov 3 - 7 looking forward to the party!
May 6-10 x0x0
hey guys...looks like we have the same dates at ttr. look forward to saying hi.
Well be there 9 to 13
May 9 ~ 13
We are down! What’s next?
May 4-8...cant f'in wait!
Sounds fun...if there is still room...we would love to join (we are 2 cpls)
ok..twenty-four long hours...and we will be in paradise !!!!!!!!! Cant fuckin wait!!!
I’m with ya...it will be a blast!