Correction, just double checked and our clock is Bluetooth, iHome model #HBN22, sound quality from the Bose would be better though
We’re here now and the alarm clock is not Bluetooth. I do see a “TVbluetooth” in my settings but our TV wasn’t on so not sure where it’s picking...
And we are here! No snafus!
Off to the airport!
Ditto, don’t arrive till 3ish Hit the ground running with a room call... awesome start!
19th is the day we arrive so won’t have time to hit up a liquor store for our “signature” drink. Will the bartenders at TTR fill a bubba mug with...
It’s not about how big the resort is, it’s all about how you use it!
Thanks for the replies and info.
Welcome, couple days of overlap, save us some sunshine!
Sounds like a good way to meet new peeps! Avoiding the 21st is probably a good idea though, Boob Cruise day. I’ve only read of them so from what I...
Two requests I remember hearing about... Hold me Closer Tony Danza by Elton John Slow Talking Walter by Deep Purple
Do they have liquors in the coffee shop or will that require a pit stop at a bar?
‘Cause the one that got the $2 bill was luckier than his buddy who got a single!
To me, that would be a bad idea, just sayin’! Fees, exchange rates, potential for your account to be compromised. Call me paranoid but your home...
Pretty sure a divorced woman is no longer an unhappy married woman!
Exactly the information I was looking for, thank you
Did some forum searching but didn’t find my answers. Anyone have any current menu pictures? Is there a nightly start time for the resorts theme...
Shoot Steve the Admin a PM with your hotel and dates, he’ll hook you up with a USA Transfer hotel to Marina and back again.
I’m betting that after this last weekends brutal storm Temptation can’t come soon enough for you. Usually it’s us in Winnipeg getting hammered...