Leaving for the airport hotel in a few minutes!!!! :)
On va vous attendre... j'espère qu'on va être encore en vie... oufffff. C'est quand même dommage nous on part 2 jours après votre arrivée. xxxxx
Now I need your help… trying to figure out what to put in my luggage. So I know and understand I need to bring stuff I would never wear and I...
Wow... you rock!!!!!!!
Will be there in 3 days!!!! :)
Do they have Red bull there or should I bring a couple??
Shotgun why are you sorry???
Going with my BF from Sept 30 to Oct 7 :)
Why sorry...lolll
I'm not at all worried ... I was just checking. I am a curious woman ;-)
I am very fluent in both language... however my BF do not speak english... well not when he is sober :-p
Any French speaking people going on first week of Oct??
Can't wait to see you all :):):)
It would be great to have an official update on what will be the themes night from Sept 30 to Oct 7 :) Getting lost in all these post :-p I sooo...
Thanks for the tip... as it is well mentioned ... I am a newbie... :-p
Going with my BF Sept 30 to Oct 7 :)