9 days and we are out of the cold and into good old Eme's arms.
Beth & Mike 13th-22nd WHOOP!
Wish we were there!!! That's awsome
Im watching you baby g :flash:
Change your trip!!!!
Oct 3 - 12
Craig bro, we are going Oct 3! She couldn't take off the week of Halloween :(
cnm11757, weather was good. A day of rain but otherwise all good.
No valentines day?
we had a great time with you two!
In 24 hours we will be an hour into our flight. The time has arrived!
3 days 19 hours and 45 minutes before we board our flight!
Square cut No one knows you and know one gives a fuck!
That's the beauty of TTR. All different kinds of people just looking to make friends and have a good time.
Good, we dot need jerkoffs like that coming to TTR anyway!
I do believe you missed us. 10/25-11/2
What is express check in?
4 weeks from now we will be on a plane heading to TTR. And boy do we need this vacation!
What are the bracelets for, if I may ask?
Cancuncares tank top - Check Costumes - Check Cafe Patron - Check we are ready!