LMAO rest assured I was not that guy, I may have had disappointments in my trip but acting like a baby is not my way of dealing with it. I said...
Thats great, I am glad you guys enjoyed it, I am not saying it was bad, but we like to have access to good food as were old and crotchety..lol...
we just left.... no colored bands to my knowledge.
Landed in Cancun at 130pm usa transfers private service was great... arrived to check in and right away didn't like the shenanigans at the front...
i just asked this ?? the other day and was told it was casual... were leaving tomorrow. A straight answer might be good...
We like everything from AC/DC to ZZ Top and most everything in between... classic rock, 80's hair bands Ratt is my hubby's favorite..... he is...
Restaraunt Dress Code Sorry if I've missed it we are going next weekend and would like to know the dress code for the restaurants. Hubby is not...
hell if there is a 3rd party that must mean they are keeping the bar open past 1am... lol theres my daily attempt at wit and humor.
I just bring my camcorder... stills aren't nearly as sexy as video... plus you get to catch the entire scene before they know their gonna be an...
Fine Line as far as I am concerned everyone has the right to photograph their vacations wife on the beach, facilities etc.... but one should use...
if anyone wants a picture of my tater tot i'll just inbox you one, lol save you the trouble of carrying that big camera around....lmfao.
it was -20 here in montucky this morning warmed all the way up to -3 as luck has it I -39 with wind chills my old man sez his "special purpose" is...
wishing I was a farmer... I'd like to harvest those gorgeous melons.
So was there any mention of ideas to fix the flawed reservation system for the reservation required eateries? I can live with the plan to keep...
Thanks Steve look forward to some good news and any potential resolutions GOV has in mind, I agree that the GOV management should realize this...
I don't follow the facebook group, get the majority of my info here, admittedly I have became skeptical of my decision to book GOV due to the...
its like an "icebreaker" first time 3 way... at least its a chick and not a sumo wrestler...
well im assuming the mr isn't a lady...so thru the process of elimination that makes him a tramp... and her a lady...:) we all know men are tramps...
go give daddy his dance :) hopefully that makes the room more tolerable, I am sure it will for him :)
a man gets up in the morning and says wife, dog cmon lets go fishing, wife says I don't wanna go, man says if you don't go I get to fuck you in...