Was awesome meeting you as well! You are a one of a kind drinking buddy! Hope all is well. Sorry it took so long to respond, I just got over my...
Was great meeting you guys! Hope ya had a good time after we left. How's the beard?
Ok so I got a question. What are we gonna forget while packing?
Well Paul & pat it looks like we are part of the only ones left. I'm super jealous! But on the bright side my vaca starts in about 2 hrs. I Came...
Well I feel bad for the for the people down there today or headed that way. But hell I can't imagine ttr being any less of a good time because of...
We are in the final countdown, the 7th inning stretch, the 2 min hurry up offense, the proverbial calm before the storm. Get your things in order...
You are officially on vacation. Never too early!
This time next week we be casually sipping drinks at the airport bar waiting on our flight. 7 days left. Let's get it!
It's not so much a lot of work just time consuming with no access to a stove and needed equipment. And I can't see making less then 200 cuz really...
So I was just thinking about it and after it's all said and done our trip will only be 4 days. Due to poor trip planning on MY part. We don't...
10 days for us as well. Unfortunately 9 of those are work days. (Boo) but we just about ready.
I'm an undesirable male but I'm told I'm fun to drink with. Wait I think I may have missed the point.
So u can get scripts across the street with out one?
Unfortunately we are not scheduled a school girl night while we are there. Hell we are even missing the thurs night festivities as well. BOOOO!
What night would kilt night be? I have no Scottish heritage but I'm down none the less!
No no no after reading forum and specifically this thread there was an invisible force pulling me to the dark side! The force is strong with this...
You know for the last week I have absolutely hated my job! And I can foresee me hating it even more for the next 2 weeks! For us being "Virgins"...
Guess ill have to sit down and try it. I have to DL pics off my camera from this past weekend in destin anyhow. And since I'm home sick today I...
Hey guys! Thanks for the FR!