Good hanging with you guys! Hope we can do it again!
one for the history books! will write a trip report of what I remember once I'm done detoxing! thanks Noah! awesome hanging with you guys! we'll...
had an amazing time. thanks to all that helped make it so much fun!! :)
just getting ready to head to the airport!! we should be at ttr around noon! flight lands at 11.20am
Right there with ya, buddy! We land at 11.20 tuesday am. it can't get here quick enough...
Last day at work before TTR!!! flight leaves monday at midnight!!! w00t!!!! Obviously I'm working hard in the office today! ;)
Better than me... I still have a day of work. Won't be at SFO till 10pm monday night... >sigh<
When's yours? Mine's on the 6th and I echo your sentiments! :D :mnm:
leaving a week from tonight!! this is probably going to be the slowest week ever!!
Exactly what I was thinking!! Cheers!!
I worked for these guys one holiday season last life time... ended up just working off mine... pics on my profile albums Welcome to Hector Russell
Just picked up my reg!! Can't wait to meet up with Boris and get a dive in!! Less than 2 weeks!!!!! w00t!!
we're boarding the plane monday after next and it seems like it'll never get here! nearly getting to single digits! too bad we won't overlap
what's in it!? how do they get the waffle part is what I'm curious most about!
I use to get Morrissey quite a bit. my ex wife had a picture of him for her desktop and when I glanced at it I was confused cause I'd never be...
So jealous. I just want the next week and change to fly by. I'm really in need of a vacation and enough booze to make me forget my job for a...
Look forward to meeting you guys too! Jealous you'll be soaking up the sun n booze while we're still getting ready to go! Just look for the HOT...
14 days till we fly out of SFO! Can't wait. it's taking far too long!
you've been so many times you wore the last ones out!? :) or do you end up losing them around the end of your stay!?