Me and my wife will be there 10-11 and are looking for drink ideas any suggestions
There the 11th - !8th and all this sound good
thank I'll check into that
Coming in oct any ideas best place to book through
Coming in oct trying to find best place for booking any ideas
oct 11 to 18
okay thanks hope to see you guys there and have a drink together
okay thanks do you know if most people just stay at the resort or do you do thing outside the resort we are looking mostly to having a good time...
My wife and I are going to be there oct 11 - 18 we are first timers she just laid out topless the first time in Jan. in the DR hope she will not...
Thanks we are going oct 11 thru 18 does anyone know how the crowd is at that time of year
My wife and I are thing of going to TTR for the 1st time but, she is not sure about all the things that go on at night. Do you have to...
My wife and I are planning a visit to TTR Oct 11 thru oct 18 is there anyone else planning on being there then and do you know what the weather is...