Looks like we are going 6/13 thru 6/20
Booked for 6
We will be there 10-17 let the party begin!!!!:beer4:
Butch and Susan 10th thrur 17th cant wait to see everyone:beer4:
We are booked June 11th - 19th Third time Cant wait to get the party started!!
We finally booked June 11 thru 19 let's get the party started!!!!
:lotsofmichaelfs::lotsofmichaelfs::lotsofmichaelfs:Can finally say I am on vacation 6:00 flight be in cancun 11:30 pool by 1:00 ready to get this...
:lotsofmichaelfs:Working a 16 hour day to be able to leave tomorrow morning but I know its going to be worth the work hope to be at the pool...
Save some for us !!!!!:ernaehrung005:
Sorry we are going to miss yall we get in on the 11th
:lotsofmichaelfs:14 days can't get here soon enough so ready for a vacation!!!!!!!!!!!
Same flight there will be 4 of us on that flight
Just checked email our flight is getting in same time delta changed the arrival time same flight?
We will head that way at the same time get in cancun at 11:32
Booked for 2
Sorry for the miss spelling don't have my glasses on
We are talking about the 13 th whith our friends and the 15 th by our self
:beer4:Shirts are ordered shopping almost done liver in training can't wait for June!!!!!!
We will have 4 on the 13th and 2 on the 15th
The 13th would be good but happy as long as there is at least one while we are there