Hi guys We are going to ttr you right the site don't distinugh between gov or ttr unless you are just looking at the roll call for each resort to...
We'll be sure to look you guys up
look us up we'll have a few drinks
nice pics guys look us up we'll have a drink or two
stop by and say hi have a few drinks Jill & Paul
We will be looking for you
Stop and say hi and have a drink
Drop by when you get in say hi have a drink
7 more sleeps and we'll be looking to have fun in the sun drop by and say hi and have a drink and chat with us
Looking forward to meeting you guys
Thanks guys lady there is hot also
We are there 12th til 26th look us up when you get there
boobs cruise on the 15th who's going then
Only 9 more sleeps and fun in the sun drop by and say hi and have a drink
hope to meet you guy
super hot in red
hi guys say hi and have a drink if you see us we'll do he same
hi guys stop by and say hi and have a drink very sexy couple indeed
say hi and we'll have drinks