There is no cure to this addiction :)
Change of dates now 16-25 Nov can't come soon enough :marshe::marshe::marshe:
Will miss you this time :-( loved your singing 4 years back!
So excited to be going back, 15 times since 2002 Dates:Nov 18-25 Number in Group: 1 Interested in Boobs Cruise Maybe
Cheers Steve, many thanks for taking the time to take and post these photos. Hoping to see you in November unless you pop down to Bournemouth...
Back to my 2nd home Getting excited 17 - 28 November Yeah :huepfen021::headbanger::ernaehrung015::partytime::partytime:
Back again in 27 days Can't wait to be back at TTR again. Wish I could visit more than once a...
Hope you enjoyed the rest of your vacation. Maybe we will meet up again next year.
That cruise was a blast, so looking forward to next year.
I wish Nov 13th would come a little quicker :huepfen013:
All booked (2), can't wait! :-)
Hi No I went earlier last year end of Sept, but my normal time is November. See you there. :-)
See you at one of the bars I'm sure!! Not long now, yippy :-)
I love TTR Just over 6 weeks till I'm back at TTR, yippy :headbanger::lotsofmichaelfs::aktion033::aetsch004:
13th November to 24th November Can't wait to be home again:mnm:
Back again November 13 to 24th, so looking forward to this holiday, been coming back annually for the last 10 years.
Thanks Steve for letting us know. I wondered why he seemed frustrated, but did not give any details (text messages).
You are two very amazing people. Please send Chinos my love.
Jamie Why did your posting not surprise me about Chinos tattoos - I must admit thought the same myself. :aktion030: