I see. So it's inappropriate to ask questions of other board members if you don't like the questions? I got it now. And frankly, asking...
More curiousity, and I genuinely appreciate the replies. Why would RCI, a completely independent company, take on Original Resort's debt to you...
Question about Bankruptcy Just curious what happens to your club membership and nigts owed if the company goes under, whether legitimate...
Th Golf Cart Thing We've made day trips to the isle both our trips. The first time, I had read the awesome advice to skip the golf cart rental...
Maybe the wrong question. We've never been to Desire so can't compare the two. And as others have mentioned, there is a pretty wide age range....
"I made some friends on vacation there, and we had so much fun, we try to get together every year. I can't imagine going on vacation without...
I'll try I understand your frustration following these threads. The subject is often argued here, sometimes rudely, but nobody ever mentions the...
Your message is pretty paranoid. If you are jealous or scared of your significant other talking to other people, this most definately not the...
White Night is highly participated, but nothing to fear. Anything white will suffice. If he doesn't have white pants and you don't feel like...
Steve, It was great to meet you also, and I don't wish my comments to be too critical. We did have a good time! If I were you, I don't think...
Pack minimal required items such as toothbrush, medications, bathing suit, etc. to get you through first day in your carry on bag. Assume the...
5231 had the glass walls and exposed toilet. It was our biggest (maybe only) complaint the whole time we were there, though it made for...
We were there a few days ago, and there were no carts available anywhere. We tried about 5 rental shops. So we took a taxi to the beach on the...
At the risk of ostracizing myself, I'll give my thoughts. We just took our first ever boobs cruise last week. It was our first full day at the...
alchohol + sun = dehydration. But Temptation beats Atkins any day of the week.
Charge $5 to use hot tub at an all inclusive resort? You really want to start a revolt. In their mindset, they would more likely build an...
Thanks Steve
is there an e-mail address? I also sent an inquiry on their website a few days ago. It wasn't a simple order since we're staying at another...
Play a little gag on him. buy him a collared shirt, and arrange a bunch of the girls to come up him over the course of the night and compliment...
Being from and living in Russia, I probably view everything happening a little differently. My husband keeps showing me the American press...