Hey everyone, We just wanted to say safe travels to everyone!! This is going to be an awesome and well deserved vacation for all!! We will see...
Lol, true that!!! We will be useless all week long. It's so bad every time I write the date it turnes out being 04-15. lol
Hell, We were jus gunna bring two empty gallon milk jugs with us. That should keep us from running back and forth to the bar. O and also save on...
Not long now!! See ya guys at the pool soon!!
Hell yes!!! It's going to be an awesome trip! Looking forward two meeting the two of you. See you both soon!!
This cruise is gunna be so damn much fun!!! Cant wait!
TTR virgins here. We are there from 4-15 to 4-25, we are so excited!! Really need the vacation!
Sounds great! See you two soon!
Hello guys, We arrive on the 15th, we'll have a place for you two at the bar for a cold one!! Can't wait, it's going to be so much fun!!!
Hey guys, see ya at the pool and cruise on the 19th, going to be a great time!
Hello you two! We arrive on the 15th. Well see you two at the pool for a drink or ten. Lol
Hello guys, see ya at the pool! We arrive on the 15th! Going to be an epic trip!
Hello guys, see ya at the pool for some shots and then the cruise. Gunna be a damn good time!
Hello guys, we arrive on 15th. We'll meet you two at the pool on the 18 with the shots in hand!
Hello u two! We arrive at TTR on the 15th. We will have to have a drink at the pool. A's family is from the QC area. See ya guys soon!
Hello, see you guys on the 17, our first time and we cant wait.
Oooo yea, so ready! Need some sun and a lot of fun in a bad way!
Btw, great pics!!
Sounds great!! It's going to be a great time! Have some shots waiting, see you two on the 15!