figure we should post in this thread as well. we'll be at desire RM from may 30 til june 4!! there's about 10 of us in our group
Heading to Desire RM from May 30- June 4!! There are 10 of us in our group and we're always interested in a Boobs Cruise!!!
On our inaugural boobs cruise as we were heading back to TTR (and things usually amp up a notch) Chinos pulled out a double ended dildo made of...
I wore a light up tie (from Amazon) with my boxers once and it apparently encouraged ladies to use it to pull me to the dance floor. 10/10, would...
is this big new boat territory???
Deposits paid!!! Woooo!!
definitely 4 but maaaaybe 10 for the 21st
Sooooo we're gonna be there 10/20-10/25. None of the groups seem to cover our tweener dates. :-(
Got a small crew of 8 coming on the 20-25. can't wait! we're bringing some newbies ;)
My wife was apprehensive about the bottoms more than the tops. Top was off rather quick but she wore more scrunch butt than g-strings, but there...
Get cipro, not z-paks. I have a few that my MD gives me before Mexico trips just in case.
go pro 4 silver has the touch screen on the back. the videos it takes are absolutely unreal. I wear it while I ski and the 1080p/60fps/superwide...
I'd email them. I've usually gotten a response back within 12-24 hours. Just booked yesterday AM and had the confirmation by 6pm.
Steve, how many deposits does it take before you switch from the old boat to the new one? And when do we find out which crew will be running our...
lingerie day on the boobs cruise???? :icon_biggrin: (for as long as that lasts, anyway)
1)body shots 2)reciprocated body shots 3)....did I mention body shots?
Woo hoo! And here I was worried we might have to start a begging thread.
2 more deposits paid!
Quintana Roo (the state that Cancun is in) just changed its time zone to EST, so 1pm there would be 12 noon Central time.
Freaking love limoncello. Never seen it in my Mexican travels though.