We have flown in the day before on two different trips and stayed at a hotel for the first night. We got up took a cab to the resort and was there...
We just miss you. We depart on the 20th
We took one out but it’s been a few years. We need to do it again.
Just a week away now. If you see us please say hi. We will be easy to spot Angie is short so she floats around the sexy pool in a small chair.
We met you there a few years ago. See you soon.
Pick a thread about that or start one
We have been on the boobs cruise about a dozen times, some of the best parties we’ve ever been to. You will have plenty of opportunity to do...
Ha just remembered this old thread. The parties aren’t what they used to be but we did do a few body shots with HillarynScott off the pool bar...
We will be at Temptation January 11-19 and planning to party! Who else is there for the party?
If you’re trying to meet people the earlier in your trip the better. Most of them will be sold out or close to it.
Sorry guys I posted in the wrong thread we are going to Temptation.
They have vape vending machines so you can get what you need at the resort. If you hit the red light and they find them in your bags at customs...
We arrive Friday afternoon. It looks like the storm will be long gone by then.
I agree the stay is a lot more fun with a group to hang with so here is the long answer. Have a couple of drinks to relax, maybe a shot and then a...
Dates: 22-28 No. In group: 2 Boobs Cruise: maybe We have been many times. Booked last minute short trip.
We have been almost every month of the year. We like January but we are from a cold climate. If your from Canada or a colder part of USA you will...
Couples speed dating at Score for about 30 minutes right before the show at bash.
We will be at Temptation January 10-19. We have been many times but it’s been a few years since we’ve been in January. Who’s going to be there...
January 10-19
January 11-19 Number in group: 2 Randy and Angie. Boobs cruise: maybe