Thanks for the pic comment.
A week from today we'll have been at the resort for 24 hours. Wonder how many new friends we will have met! :daveandmo: has a great variety and even better prices.
We'll be arriving the 9th for 7 days. Can't wait for a break from this cold weather. -45F thru the weekend.:cry:
Agree! Can't wait, looks like a GREAT group so far.
We're always ready to party! But partying on a boat for us land locked folks is even better.
Just signed up. Join us. :)
Likewise, can't wait to go from provisional to confirmed so sign up folks!:announce:
Same here Tristan and Joy. We are definitely looking forward to escaping the Alaska cold and partying with new friends. We'll see ya there. Russ...
2 for the 13th please. Russ and Cheryl
A year ago in May at Desire, my wife got severely ill with a bacterial infection.We never left the resort. She wound up being hospitalized at...
Rob, nice trip report. Never having been to TTR but having gone to Desire 23 times with the YNOT's in May and September you picked a good group to...
Merry Christmas to you.
We were excited from the time we booked and are even more excited since it has been -40 for the last two weeks. What about you?