Great report. It was nice to meet you both and thanks to Vanessa for asking me to join the skinny dipping party that one night. You two were...
When we stayed at TTR/Desire Cabo, the staff there told us the sore throats were from the chlorine in the ice. They had their own desalination...
Mrs got the chest cold and she's hacking uncontrollably as I type this. This is the second time she's gotten this from being at TTR. We never get...
See you all tomorrow afternoon!!!
Go here for starters: Cancun Swingers | Lifestyle Couples in Cancun | Cancun Swingers Then just chill at the bar and "put out the vibe"
We're coming from the frozen tundra of Montana. Looks like we will all be seeking the same sun, fun, and shenanigans as the rest of you! 24th-1st...
We're booked with a +1 for our single female friend!
EDIT: S_and_MA beat us to it... and provided a better answer.
You know it!!
Headed there 8-17th with the last few nights spent at Desire. Second time to TTR. We'll know another couple and another group there at the same...
We'll be there May 3-12th, with a few days at the end spent at Pearl. This is our second trip to TTR Canun. We are also veterans of all of the...
Now there will be at least 2 people there with birthdays on the 20th! Mine (Bryan) is the same day!
Headed there Jan 12-22. First time to TTR Cancun, went to TTR Cabo last year. Meeting up with another couple we met in Cabo... can't wait!!!