And who's Claudia?
Possible to have those infos also?
Gonna be there in 5 days. Second trip at TTR but third in Cancun. Went with a bar hopper tour and finished the night at Coco Bongo. Somes peoples...
Well gonna be there this Saturday! So if you wanna chat with us, it's will be a pleasure to give you some french lessons lolll
ok!! combien ca coute un condo la bas??
ok vous avez deja une residence la bas!!!
on risque de se croiser la bas!!!!
On risque de se croiser!
7 days to go!!! Can't wait!!! 7 jours encore! On se peut plus!!!
Our flight have been reported in the afternoon. So were gonna arrive after dinner. Notre vol a ete reporté en apres midi. nous alons arriver apres...
Gonna try to find someting in our trip dates
A nice -5 C here this morning in Montreal! Un petit -5 a Montreal ce matin!
For the ones that don't use US Transfers and want to go to the walmart, take one of the buses that pass directely in front of the resort. less...
Great!!! Now it's snowing here in Montreal area!! De la neige dans la région de Montreal.
Deposit Paid for 2!
Welcome aboard! Bienvenue a bord!
Nous allons etre la du 24 au 31 janvier!
En fin de compte on a eu le droit a une economie de 380$!! Ca nous revient a 1135$
Hey!! French or English?
We would be interested to have the trip also but we arrive on the 24th and we go on the boob cruise on the 27th. so we need to find others peoples...