Boobs cruise booked for the 27th
Cant wait
Will be there July 25- 31
Thanks for the input we go every November but that doesn't look like an option this year I will know by the end of next week if we are booking .....
We usually go in November but this year it doesn't look like we we be able to make it so we were thing the end of August .. How is it that time of...
We are looking to go back the end of August
Awesome trip can't wait to go back
It was nice meeting you too
We are at the airport so excited we can't wait to get there ..... See you all there say hi if you see us .
boob cruise is booked for 2 chris and laurie
Opps lol
Steve let me no if you get any cancelations .....I also sent you a pm
10 more days to go we can't wait to get there and meet everyone
We get there on the 20th c you then
We will be there nov 20th - the 28th c u there
Looking fwd to it we can't wait to get out there
We will be there the 20th - the 28th we can't wait
We will be there nov 20th - the 28th can't wait to meet everyone !!!
Yes it does we did have a good time will be back soon
I just wanted to say it was nice to meet everyone we had a great time and met a lot of great people to anyone we didn't exchange contact info my...