We had a great time with you guys! Miss you!
Well, there was one last week when I was there!
We are leaving today from TTR. It's 30° and apparently it's -30° back home.... Urghh....
Agree, few people actually carry it out. Yesterday there were few people doing the Mardi Gras theme. Still had lots of fun though!
We are here right now, 1st day, really nice so far. Water a bit cooler than outside temperature but fine really. :)
Can we confirm lobby at 8h for pickup?
Timing sounds good for us
In also for two if it's no issues!
Les deux!
Either sounds good for us!
We are there from the 23rd dec to 2nd jan, but have the boob cruise on the 27th. Quite flexible in between :-)
Certainly could!
We are actually thinking of doing a Chichen Itza tour also during our trip. :)
Yes we are! 27th I believe.