May 15-22 We Are 2cd timers,we will be celebrating Wifie's 19 anniversary of her 40th birthday.
We will be at Desire RM May 17-24. 1'st timers. We have been to TTR. several times. We had couples massage there and could make request's there....
We just bought 2 cans vanilla 1 chocolate 2wks ago at Binny's in east central IL. Bob do you think that will be enough or should we make another trip?
Sounds good. I'm still working on her birthday surprise.
She says it depends on the mode she's in;)
She wants to know clothed or naked? Bob, Stacy or both?
Awesome, I am still thinking about how to make it work. Looking forward to meeting you.
That is a great idea! This will be a surprise for her so I will have to do some thinking how it could work. She would love a bunch of hands...
2010 was our first trip to TTR, this time of year so it was her birthday. We met people and we were told to not let entertainment staff find out...
We will be arriving at TTR May 18-25. The 18 is wifey's birthday. She is wanting to get really wild this trip. So eager to please her I have been...
We'll be there May 18-25. Gary & Kate from Illinois. WE. CAN'T. WAIT!
May 18-25
HanknKatie (Gary & Kate) May 13-23
Thank you! We were there last year and there is stuff here that we didn't know! Thanks so much for taking the time! 15 days and counting! Woohoo!