Truer words have never been typed. It was like kindred spirits just coming out the wazzoo! Doesn't matter if you became serious buds or just...
Just got back home last night from our trip. I have to admit, we had pretty much the best time we have ever had anywhere, ever, period. The...
At the airport, the plane is startong to board now!!! Someone get my drink ready cuz here I come :)
Oh man do I know that feeling! I'm halfway through my last shift and the day is just inching by :( I think my brain is already on the beach, I'm...
So so so strange to see people we will be partyong with already there or on their way! Never thought this time would come. Can't wait to get down...
Have to totally agree with the originaly sentiment of this thread. CCC is priceless in my opinion, so happy to have found it.
We loaded a bunch of music on kate's laptop to bring so at least we can get our needed dose of awesome music while beautifying. Beyond that, it's...
I thought the sunglasses were there so I wouldnt need the cucumber? Sunglasses are cool at night too, right?
We have vouchers - they are essentially our tickets that we have to present to the airport, the hotel, etc. Just about to print ours off as well...
We are your reverse - i'm a Libra, the boytoy is a Capricorn by a day. :) And Kate is solidly a gemini, it would seem.
KellyCat has way too much of a jump on us here. I'm thinking we may need to fly in an extra few cases of booze just in case she's dried up TTR!...
Made my morning, right there. I'd ask if there's a cure...but I'm SURE we will find one in cancun...
So glad so many others share my inability to not overpack. Try as I might, i just can't get it right... Also think I need to up my tip money...
One week from today, we cruise and booze - ready to get your ridiculous on? :)
Three more cruise and TTR virgins here. One more week, it`s like Christmas except about a thousand times more exciting (sorry christmas, but...
It`s oh so close now :) Take care, and look forward to meeting you as well!
Ditto dahlin' ;) One week from tomorrow, it is totally on! My biggest problem now is deciding which bathing suit to wear that day. Man, life is...
I am super excited that you are going so soon - because that means that I am going so soon too! ;) Had to repack my suitacase and cut out about...
It is incredibly hard to get drunk during the days on vacation I find...between the walking and the swimming and the fresh air and the food and...
Ten more sleeps for us! And good thing too, since i maxed out the data on my phone coming to check out the forum all the time :icon_neutral: