Back again April 22-29
You found it! Did you have a good time?
Damn it! We have to leave tomorrow. :icon_cry:
Day 3, having a great time. Weather is perfect and the people are hot! Look forward to seeing everyone this weekend!
Sitting at the airport. See everyone in a few hours.
This time tomorrow we will be over looking the gulf from the air.
We went for the first time in April. It took us a whole 5 mins to meet about 20 people in the sexy pool. Everyone is great and every friendly. As...
2 days and 4 hours until touch down for us!:lotsofmichaelfs:
Thank you! I have a clever one every once in awhile.
This is the "Sexy Crew" Cruise!
I couldn't have said it better! Think of this as a peace summit gone wild!
The party is on! Thanks Steve
One of our couples isn't going to make the trip. So, we only had the 5 in our group.
Tic Toc Tic Toc! 2 more days of work! Then off to Never Neverland...
With the cool sexy people!
You ready to do this? We can believe its finally here! See you next week.